Hannah was first diagnosed with Autism and ADHD when she was 4 years old by her Pediatric Neurologist. At 3 years old we started to notice unusual behavior and didn't know what to make of it. She would jump up and down all the time and twist her hands around. She started to have tantrums, sometimes for no reason and we noticed her speech was delayed. As she got closer to 4 years old, her tantrums became worse. She became sometimes uncontrolable for my husband and myself. She would destroy everything in her bedroom, by ripping up paper or anything that could be ripped. She would take whatever she could use, and scrape up the walls. She seemed troubled more than happy. We tried everything we could think of to help her and try to distract her from her actions, but nothing seemed to work. We were devastated and had no idea what could be wrong with her. When we contacted her pediatrician about what was occurring, she referred us to a Neurologist. He finally diagnosed !
her with Autism and ADHD. We couldn't believe what he was telling us, but were willing to do whatever it took to help or little Angel. He put her on medication which helped immediately. We also enrolled her in a wonderful Pre-K program through our city that has changed her completely! They have helped her learn and grow so much! She will be attending Kindergarten this fall still receiving the special help that she needs. We are so hopeful for her future! We have been so blessed to be given this special little girl!
In The future, we will update this area with photos of Amber and/or the things she loves.
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